Driven by curiosity and a passion for growth, Jennifer Sanderson has an impressive history for academic sucess.
She graduated from high school, with Honours at the top of her class obtaining the highest possible grade in Mathematics.
This feat landed her an award for Science and Mathematics. With an ambitious mind eager to work she soon obtained her
college diploma from CDI college in Accounting and Payroll, again graduating with Honours.
Jennifer then entered the work force but a few years later began to crave the delightful muse of complex problem solving.
Her curiosity pushed her to pursue a career in Science. She enrolled at the University of Manitoba, initially
to answer deep philisophical questions about physics and the nature of reality and cognitive sciences, but
inadvertently fell in love with Computer Science. She explored Physics as well as Philosophy, but decided to focus on Computer Science.
As an avid Artist who loves Math, Jennifer naturally gravitated towards Computer Graphics, but the love of Data Science was
a nice suprise.
Jennifer Sanderson was on the Honour list in 2011. As of June 2017 she will graduate with a Bachelor of Science, a major in Computer Science,
specializing in Comupter Graphics(CG) and Human Computer Interaction(HCI)and a minor in Philosophy.
"The pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and growth will never cease to be a priority to me."
The computer science major program is a 120-credit hour degree program which gives graduates a solid background for a career in computing.The Computer Science Major program is accredited by the Canadian Information Processing Society.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Graphics are combined in this area of specialization to teach students how to design, implement and evaluate ways for people to interact with computing technology. Topics include ways in which people's needs and abilities should affect interface design, how to render and visualize information, and how to use novel devices and modalities to improve interactions.
Philosophy is composed of several areas of study: these include logic, metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and aesthetics. Philosophers use the tools of rigorous logic and clear conceptual analysis. Their goal is to understand things such as the nature of reason, the physical universe, right and wrong, the human mind, and sometimes even the meaning of life. There are good arguments and bad arguments. Training in philosophy will help the student not only consider these important questions but also to improve his or her clarity of expression and ability to think critically.
Intro. Computer Science 1
Intro. Computer Science 2
Analysis of Algorithms
Intro to Computer Systems
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Object Orientation
Programming Practices
Computer Organization
Databases Concepts and Usage
Technical Communication in Computer Science
Introduction to Dataming
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Computer Graphics 1
Computer Graphics 2
Human Computer Interaction
Operating Systems
Software Engineering 1
Vector Geometry and Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra 2
Calculus 2
Perspectives of the Universe
General Physics 1
Physics 2: Waves and Modern Physics
Observational Astronomy
Intro Philosophy A
Intro Philosophy B
Philosophy of Physics
Contemporary Polical Philosophy
Fundamentals of Marketing
The Metis of Canada
Aboriginal Spirituality
Aboriginal Healing Ways
Visual Language
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies in the Social Sciences