Portfolio Item Data-Mining Visualizer

Data-Mining Visualizer

Jennifer played a key role in a group project by designing a unique way to represent frequent-itemsets from a database, mined with a FP Tree algorithm. Based on a vizualizer design presented to her in her third year Computer Science course on Datamining, she came up with a new way for percent values to be translated into color values, creating an additional dimension of visual data to the original design. She took the opportunity to utilize her leadership skills to help the group coordinate and collaborate effectively. The resulting paper was published in the 2018 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV) with the help of the professor(s) at the University of Manitoba in the Department of Computer Science

Experience Gained:

  • Programmed with Visual Studio 2015
  • Utilized the .NET Framework
  • Displayed data on a Canvas with C
  • Implemented Data Visualisation Design
  • Studied and implemented FP Tree Structures
View publication details on Research Gate
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